We try to answer the most comon questions here:

Q: How do I book a room as an exchange student?
A: We mainly get our students directly from the schools. If you apply for a room here as an exchange student, please send us documentation from your danish school, that prowes your are studying here in the periode of time you wish to live here. Please make sure to send it along with your prefered arrival and departuredate. 

Q: Why do you need to know my arrival date and departure date.
A: To make sure we have room for you.

Q: Can I extend my stay?
A: Somethimes yes, but try and get your arrival and departure date right. Sometimes your study requires you to stay an extra month. We need to know if you wish to extend your stay more than 30 days before departure. It is not always a possibility to extend your stay. The extension must be paid right away.

Q: Why do I have to pay for all of my stay before movin in?
A: We do not demand a deposit, so this is our way of securing our that you pay.

Q: Can I pay monthly?
A: No.

Q: How much do I have to pay before movin in?
A: You have to pay for all of your stay before moving in. Please be precise, we do not offer refund.

Q: When do I have to pay?
A: Normally a month before arrival, but during summer and winter holiday payment can be earlier. 

Q: Can I have my stay refunded, if I leave early or do not come at all? 
A: No, we do not offer a refund. 

Alcohol/ Smoking
Q: Can I have a beer or wine at the schoolhome?
A: No, we are seen as a school, drinking and smoking is not allowed. And is reason for us to have to ask you to leave the premises right away.

Q: Can I smoke in my room?
A: No as a schoolhome smoking is not alloved. We do have a small smoking area outside, contact staff and they will guide you. If you do smoke in your room you will be charged with the cost of a deepcleaning and sanitation of the room.

Main House
Q: Is there a laundry room?
A: Available in the basement of the main building, see opening hours on the door to the laundry room.  

Q: How do I use the laundry machines?
A: You download an app. Information sticker on the machines.

Q: Can I buy my food at the canteen in the main building?
A: No, eventhough the Danish students eat at the canteen, this is not something we can offer you.

Q: Is tha main building always open?
A: No we close fridays from 12 noon till sundays at 4 in the afternoon. We are closed on danish holidays and in July.

Q: Can I use the studyroom at the main house?
A: Yes, during office hours we ask you to keep noise at a minimum.

Q: Can I use the billiard room?
A: Yes, during office hours we ask you to keep noise at a minimum.
Kitchen/ shared space/ Studentblocks
Q: Where do I keep my dry foods?
A: In a plastic container, in your room. If you are missing a plastic container, you can have one at the office.

Q: Who cleans the kitchen?
A: The students living in that house cleans after themselves. 

Q: Can I store my bike in the student house?
A: No. Park your bike outside, in the designated areas. 

Q: Can I store my shoes on stairwell outside my room?
A: No. Keey the stairwell free of everything. It is you way out in case of a fire.

Q: Where can I store my suitcase?
A: In your room. Keep the stairwell clear all the way up and down.

Q: My house mates and I are taking out the garbage, where can I put it?
A: Use the big container by the main building Monday till Friday between 6 am till 8 am and Monday till Thursday 5 pm till 7 pm. Extra garbage bags available by request.

Q: What is in the kitchen?
A: Basic kitchen supplies like: plates, bowls, forks, spoons, knives, sharp knives, pots and pans. If you need some thing specific, you will have to bring it.

Q: is there a coffee machine in the kitchen?
A: No

Q: Do I have to bring dishtowels and dish cloth for the kitchen?
A: No, we supply the kitchens with clean ones. You can exchange the dirty ones for clean ones.

Q: Does mu room have one or two beds?
A: If you rent a double room it will have two beds. In other cases there will be one bed.

Q: How do I enter my room?
A: When you move in you get a keycard. 

Q: Can I hang up pictures on the wall?
A: No, but you can use stickypads to han up posters etc. 

Q: Do you monitur rooms?
A: Yes we moniture humidity and heating.

Q: How do I ventilate my room?
A: Keep the heat on always, open the windows and the door atleast 3 times a day for 10 minutes.

Q: I have water in my windows, what do I do.
A: Keep the heating on medium, make sure to ventilate, and remove water when it appears. 

Q: Can I keep pets?
A. No pets alloved, not even chickens.

Q: What if I lose my keycard?
A: Staff can make you a new keycard, price dkkr. 100

Q: I have locked my keycard in my room, how do I get in?
A: Contact staff during opening hours (see main door). If you have locked yourself out when there is no staff, contact the locksmith tlf. number on the main door. The bill must be paid by you right away. We do not refund the amount paid to the locksmith. Unless it is our fault you cannot enter the room. 

Q: Where does the keycard work?
A: Your keycard works for the house your room is in, your room and the main building during opening hours.

Q: Who will clean the kichen for me?
A: You clean the kitchen your self, you and your house mates are responsble for the kitchen in your house, and the stairs.

Q: Do I have to by cleaning supplies.
A: No each house has a vaccumecleaner, mop and cleaning supplies in the entrywaycloset.

Q: Can I borrow a drying rack for my cloths? 
A: Yes, but try not to dry your clothes in your room.


Q: Can I have a sleep over guest. 
A: Yes, for one or two nights, no more. Then your gues has to find a hotel.

Q: I need to go to the doctor, what do I do?
A: If you stay in Denmark for more the 3 months you need a yellow card. On the yellow card there is a number for a doctor. 

Q: I need a doctor after hours, what do I do?
A: Call 1813 

Information meeting
Q: What is an information meeting?

Q: When is an information meeting?
A: A meeting to asure you know who we are, what we expect of you and what you can expect of us.

Q: How many information meetings do I have to attend?
A: One

Kitchen meetings 
Q: What is a kitchen meeting?

Q: Why do you have kitchen meetings?

Q: When do you have kitchen meetings?

Q: Can I have post sent here?
A: Yes, please use our adress, have the sender put your name on the envolope, do not put room number on it. 

Q: Where can I pick up my poat?
A: Main building, reception, come in the afternoon.

Facebook/ Information board

Q: How do I get to the schoolhome from the airport
A: Please ude the danish website: www.rejseplanen.dk - it has an english version, press the flag in the corner. 

CPR Registation
Q: Will I get a contract to use with CPR Registration?
A: When you arrive you will get a Housing Confirmation - this is your proof of recidency and the document you need to register fro CPR.

Q: Is the schoolhome open in holidays?. 
A: The schoolhome is closed on danish holidays such as easter, passover and white sun. The schoolhome is closed between christmas and new years, the schoolhome is also closed in July.

Q: What do i have to do when movin out?
A: 1. Attend the moveout meeting in your building
    2. Remove all personal items from you room -If you have things in your room that you would like to give to other students, put in on the shelves in the basement marked “genbrug”
    3. Clean your room thoroughly, through out garbage in the correct containers.
    4. Clean your bathroom
    5. Separate linen and duvet
    6. Have a checkout viewing with a member of staff
    7. Return borrowed items
    8. Return keycard
    9. Remove all food items from the kitchen
   10. Make sure to leave the kitchen in a nice clean and tidy state for the next students
   11. Have a safe travel home

Q: Can I borrow a printer?
A: We have a printer you can use at the main house in the upstairs commen room, bring your own paper.

Q: What is in a linen pack?
A: Pillow, pillow cover, duvet, duvet cover, sheet, big towel and small towel.

Q: Who washes my linen pack?
A: You wash your linen pack while staying here. When you leave it, we will clean it.